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                  The B&N Podcast: Holly Jackson on A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder

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                  Posted by The Barnes and Noble Review ×

                  The author of "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" joins us to talk about her new novel -- the latest selection from the B&N YA Book Club!
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                  B&N PODCAST

                  The B&N Podcast: Jeanine Cummins on American Dirt


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                  The author of the latest Oprah's Book Club selection (and our new Barnes & Noble Club pick) joins us for a conversation about the writing of her thrilling story of a mother and son's flight for...
                  Abigail Hing Wen on How One Summer Can Change a Lifetime

                  B&N PODCAST

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                  The author of the new YA novel "Loveboat, Taipei" joins us to talk about the true story behind her sparkling debut.

                  B&N PODCAST

                  The B&N Podcast: Ann Napolitano on our January Book Club Selection

                  Posted by The Barnes and Noble Review ×

                  A boy's improbable survival is just the beginning of a journey into the strangest kind of fame. Ann Napolitano joins us to talk about the writing of her heart-stopping new novel -- B&N's January...
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                  Interview by Ted Panken ×

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                  A READING LIFE

                  A Year in Reading: A Reviewer’s Favorites from 2019


                  By Katherine A. Powers ×

                  Book critic Katherine A. Powers looks back on 2019 and selects five novels that opened welcome doors to alternate worlds....
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                  The B&N Podcast: Alice Hoffman on the Stories We Need to Survive

                  B&N PODCAST

                  The B&N Podcast: Alice Hoffman on the Stories We Need to Survive


                  Posted by The Barnes and Noble Review ×

                  The bestselling author of "The Rules of Magic" and "Here on Earth" joins us to talk about her new novel "The World that We Knew," in which a Jewish mother summons a magical creature to protect...
                  American Science Fiction: Eight Classic Novels of the 1960s

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                  American Science Fiction: Eight Classic Novels of the 1960s

                  Reviewed by Paul Di Filippo ×

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                  The B&N Podcast: Charlie Mackesy on our Book of the Year


                  The B&N Podcast: Charlie Mackesy on our Book of the Year

                  Posted by The Barnes and Noble Review ×

                  The artist and author of "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse" joins us to talk about his uniquely meditative work, which captured our booksellers' hearts to become B&N's 2019 Book of the...
                  The B&N Podcast: Brian K. Vaughan on his Galactic Imagination

                  B&N PODCAST

                  The B&N Podcast: Brian K. Vaughan on his Galactic Imagination

                  Posted by The Barnes and Noble Review ×

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                  The B&N Podcast: Michael Eric Dyson on an American Icon


                  The B&N Podcast: Michael Eric Dyson on an American Icon

                  Posted by The Barnes and Noble Review ×

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                  The B&N Podcast: Bill Bryson on the Universe We Walk Around In

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                  Bill Bryson's previous books have walked the Appalachian Trail and voyaged into the farthest reaches of the galaxy. With "The Body" he takes readers on a fantastic voyage to inner space.